- Info
Network Acceleration and Time Synchronization for Data Acquisition Systems using Commodity Networks and Operating Systems
J. Shafer - "Network Acceleration and Time Synchronization for Data Acquisition Systems
using Commodity Networks and Operating Systems", Presentated at The 61st International Instrumentation Symposium (IIS), Huntsville, AL (May 2015)
HFAA: A Generic Socket API for Hadoop File Systems
J. Shafer - "HFAA: A Generic Socket API for Hadoop File Systems", presented at ASBD 2012, Portland, OR (June 2012)
Axon: A Flexible Substrate for Source-routed Ethernet
J. Shafer, "Axon: A Flexible Substrate for Source-routed Ethernet", presented at ANCS 2010, San Diego, CA (October 2010)
The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem: Balancing Portability and Performance
J. Shafer, "The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem: Balancing Portability and Performance", presented at ISPASS 2010, White Plains, NY (March 2010)
I/O Virtualization Bottlenecks in Cloud Computing Today
J. Shafer, "I/O Virtualization Bottlenecks in Cloud Computing Today", presented at 2010 Workshop on I/O Virtualization (WIOV 2010), Pittsburgh, PA (March 2010)
The Axon Network Device: Prototyping with NetFPGA
J. Shafer - "The Axon Network Device: Prototyping with NetFPGA", presented at WARP 2009, Austin, TX (June 2009)
Designing Network Devices for Research and Education
J. Shafer - Invited Talk - "Designing Network Devices for Research and Education", Texas A&M University - Computer Engineering Seminar, March 2008, College Station, TX
RiceNIC: Prototyping Network Interfaces (Presentation)
J. Shafer - "RiceNIC: Prototyping Network Interfaces", presented at WARP 2007, San Diego, CA (June 2007)
RiceNIC: A Reconfigurable Network Interface for Experimental Research and Education (Presentation)
J. Shafer - "RiceNIC: A Reconfigurable Network Interface for Experimental Research and Education", presented at ExpCS 2007, San Diego, CA (June 2007)